The film's plot revolves around Kanthasamy (played by Vikram), who's a Revenue Tax officer in the CBI, along with his buddies, granting the wishes of those needy who write letters into a local Lord Muruga temple by disguising himself as an anthropomorphic chicken. During a CBI incometax reform, he discovers a stash of black currency owned by Ponnusamy (played by Ashish Vidyarthi), a rich and corrupted entrepreneur. Ponnusamy pretends to be paralysed to escape the. Angered by the fact that her dad was paralysed, Ponnusamy's daughter, Subbulakshmi (played by Shriya Saran) goes after Kanthasamy to look for revenge by pretending to be inlove . Kanthasamy, knowing Subbulakshmi's real intentions plays together from the match. This creates a cat and mouse chase between them both.
Released: 2009-08-21