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Men in Black: The Series
Men in Black: The Series, also known as MIB: The Series and Men in Black: The Animated Series, is an American animated television series that originally aired on The WB's Kids' WB programming block from October 1 1, 1997 to June 30, 2001. The series features characters from 1997's sciencefiction film Men in Black, which has been based on the comicbook series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham released by Aircel Comics. The series was produced by Adelaide Productions Inc., a unit of Sony Pictures Television, and Amblin Entertainment like a half-hour series originally airing on Saturday mornings, and later moving into weekdays throughout the final run. It was an even more thorough T.V. series of the film saga.
Released: 1997-10-11
Duration: 30
United States of America