Coming soon
Dinner for Five
Dinner for Five is a tv program by which actor/filmmaker Jon Favreau and drink also a guest list of celebrities eat and chat about life on and off around projects present and past. This app seats screen legends from television, film, music and comedy, resulting in a. The program aired on the Independent Film Channel the Producer with Peter Billingsley.
The show format is just a spontaneous, open forum for people in the entertainment community. The concept descends from some period when he traded filming anecdotes and travelled out to dinner. Favreau said,"I thought it would be interesting to show people who side of this business enterprise". He didn't want to exhibit them in an"sensationalized way [that] they're presented from the media, however as ordinary people". The arrangement comprised Favreau and four guests in a restaurant with no diners from the entertainment industry. Authentic waiters arranged food and served them. There were previous research or even no cue cards on the participants who will have allowed him to orchestrate the dialog and the guests were permitted to chat about anything they wanted. The show used five cameras with the operators using long lenses in order that they create the guests shy or could be ten feet apart from the table, never intrude on the dialog. The conversations lasted before the film ran out. A episode could be edited from the two-hour dinner.