Doctor Lawyer
An accomplished surgeon, Han Yi Han was known across the medical community. He received his degree from South Korea's most prestigious medical school, where he finished at the top of his class, and he went on to specialize in two different areas of surgery: general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. Only one operation could have made such a difference in his life. Although Han Yi Han believes he performed a good job operating on the patient, the patient did not survive the procedure. Following that, his ability to practice medicine was taken away from him. After a period of time of four years, Han Yi Han is now employed as a lawyer who specializes in the area of medical disputes. He also investigates the circumstances behind the passing of a previous patient of his. For his trials, Han Yi Han advocates on behalf of victims and seeks to punish those responsible for acts of medical negligence and malpractice. He is employed by a public prosecutor, who suffered the loss of a member of his family as well as a lover as a direct result of the operation that Han Yi Han performed.
Released: 2022-06-03