In Living Color
In Living Color is a American sketch comedy television series that originally ran on the Fox Network to May 19, 1994. Brothers Keenen and Damon Wayans created, wrote and starred in the app. The series was recorded before a live studio audience in stage seven on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, California at the Fox Television Center and was produced by Ivory Way Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television. The title of the series was inspired by the NBC statement of broadcasts being presented"in living color" during the 1950s and 1960s, just before main-stream color television. It refers to the fact that most of the throw of the show were black, unlike other sketch comedy shows such as Saturday Night Live whose sketches are usually white.
Whilst brother Dwayne appeared as a extra members of the Wayans family -- Kim, Shawn and Marlon -- had regular roles. The series starred David Alan Grier, and the unknown actor/comedians Jim Carrey, Jamie Foxx. Actress Rosie Perez, choreographer Carrie Ann Inaba along with Dancing with the Stars judge and singer Jennifer-lopez were members of the dance troupe The Fly Girls of the show. The series won the Emmy in 1990 for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series.
Released: 1990-04-15
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 30
Country: United States of America